A Paper Alcohol Publication"Hi Kids! This fantastic work of literary art is the responsibility of: Tim, Doc, Neil, Chris, Kathie etc etc". Neil being Mr. Jeffcoate, the convener of the Northampton based Paper Alcohol Collective. Again, being rather more concerned with 'issues', DYKVR? is something of a departure from the standard interview/profile/review type fanzine. Issue 2 has articles such as, Troops Out of Ireland, Compulsory Cultural Monotony - Notes on Jealousy, Anti War, What Office Workers Say, Anarchy & Action, and Cruise Missiles - Nuclear Suicide. There is also quite a focus on bootlegs featuring Bob Roke's, Years on Earth, Ludus, Adam & The Antz, Northampton Under Glass (Antibodies, White Rabbit, Social Disease, The Russians, Where's Lisse, Directorix, Religious Overdose, The Syndromes), Bauhaus, and Theatre of Hate. There's also a light dusting of collage throughout. Intriguing stuff!A4 scanned at 400 dpiDo You Know Vanessa Redgrave?
Now here's a lovely item - a screenprinted collection of Poison Girls' lyrics compiled by the band in response to the then growing interest from punters and journos alike. This first edition was limited to 150 copies and I am immensely indebted to Edwin Pouncey, to whom this copy was presented by the band, as it was from he that I came to possess this fabulous artefact. Besides the lyrics, WWiT also gives details of the venue and date where each song had its first airing - fascinating stuff I'm sure you'll agree.
Words Written in Trust
What Vision is Left and is Anyone Asking? OK, here's issue 3 of Blast out of Belfast and to be totally clear - I make no political point. The head honcho is Solomon Po working alongside a clutch of cartoon creators. This is something of different kind for ee - I have a rake more Blasts so if this proves popular I'll post some more. Cartoons: Harlequin - Lightning, The Womb Room - Maco, Sk'duddle O'er Binguddey - Scally Wag. Mind you, it's not all cartoons - there are a few interviews: Davy Francis (A Legend in his own Lunchtime) is quizzed by Lightning - as is Pat from behind the counter at Just Books in Belfast. Crass (Lightning and Scally Wag talk to G) + a page of photos from the Anarchy Centre gig, and there's also the remnants of a misplaced interview with Poison Girl, Richard. Also there's a bunch of correspondence in Spout Your Load. A3 folded scanned at 400 dpiBlast #3
…and now! (for interlechools only)….Issue 2 of Sunday Mirra was brought to you by the Rob Rooke, Phil and Steve, and features many great images by the house photographer Ian Paisley. Interviews with Black Slate and Sham 69; news on Penetration, Wayne County, Generation X, The Damned, Johnny Moped; articles include a Very Brief History of Reggae (+ Rough Trade's top selling Reggae records), Wire, Johnny (Rotten) Still Thinks Drugs = Hippies, Bernie Torme and The Dose; live reviews of Raped/Mean Streets/The Wasps at the Vortex, and Iggy Pop at the Rainbow; LP reviews of Sex Pistols, Skrewdriver, and The Tubes; 7" review of The Heartbreakers, 999, Buzzcocks, Skrewdriver, Generation X, and Radiators From Space; 2 snazzy Sex Pistols' pin ups + the Mirra Crossword. Excellent! A4 single and double sided scanned at 600 dpiSunday Mirra #2
From the pressing plants to the concert halls we want some control!Jon and Charles did a sterling job with this fanzine - the Scritti Politti and The Raincoats interviews are excellent and I advise downloading the pdf for those alone. Apart from the eds., After Hours had input from John Lipnicki, James Fox, Jo, Neil Andersen, Shirley O'Loughlin and Neil Clifford. Sniffin' Glue, Dirt and Black Dwarf cited as inspiration. Interviews with The Raincoats (7 pages given over), The Prefects, and Scritti Politti; articles featuring Soubrette Perverse, Who Really Runs Rock 'n' Roll?(the music industry scutinised), Prag VEC, Fireplace, Superman, and Wayne Kramer. Again, this scant write-up does no real justice to this fine zine. Issue 2 is equally superb and will appear on ee in the near future. A4 scanned at 400 dpiAfter Hours #1Trouble at t'mill - link to follow shortly
It's written in their rulesTo put missiles before hospitalsA smashing little fanzine is this No More of That. Assembled by Bobby Gray in Airdrie, it's a somewhat slim affair - just the 12 pages but enough is packed in to be of interest. Interviews with Crass, Six Minute War (quite a lengthy effort by 6MW standards - it may be the longest interview I've seen with those DIY wunderkids) and The L Plates. There's a wee feature on the band End Result, Kelly Woz Nowhere focuses on a TV programme entitled, Kelly Woz Here, and Oi the Farce has a critical look at Garry Bushell's brainchild. Overall it's a very entertaining little number. I'm rather desperately trying to get me mitts on issue 2 of NMoT so if any soul out there can help me out that'd be ace…the desolate sound of tumbleweed…A4 scanned at 400 dpiNo More of That #1
By EmilyPO Box 74002Vancouver, BCV5V 3P0
So much for "every day until I finish all these zines", sigh. School takes up a lot of time you know?
Plus, for this zine I wanted to actually cook some of the recipes. What good is a review of a cooking zine if I don't try the food? (We'll ignore the fact that I'm name dropped in a burrito recipe.) (Why is "burrito" underlined as though it was not a word? Technology...)
Anyway, I made the quesadillas (also not a word apparently), for myself and two friends, and they were considered a great success. Hell, I'd make them again.
We talk from dark placesWords fall from our lipsDeaths onIndifferent Tongues As promised here's issue 2 of Mark Schlossberg's and John Tottenham's, All the Poets. Shouts go out to the Savage Prodigals: Billy Carless, Anna, Maureen, Lynn, Bernard - Annie Anxiety also contributed and there's a Syd Barrett effort too. Issue 1 can be seen here along with a rake of poetry tinged offerings.
A4 scanned at a measly 300 dpiAll the Poets #2
And now for something completely different…I thought I'd bang on another of these big hitters. Here's issue 10 of Tony D's essential Ripped & Torn - it's a legend in itself. Tony was aided and abetted here by David Yuratich, Phil Smee, Jem Gibbs, Alex Fergusson and Caris. Issue 10 is absolutely rammed with charts, an interviews with David Bowie, A Non Reply from His Highness being something of a swipe at Richard Hell), Today Your Love Tomorrow a Press Conference featuring The Ramones, Rockabilly Uprising (has a gander at Whirlwind / Levi & the Rockats, A Pop Band Who Care features an extensive letter from Tom Robinson, an article about Smokey (not the Bradford band), LP reviews of Blondie, Wayne County & the Electric Chairs, Whirlwind, 7" reviews of 999, Kim Fowley, Raped, Buzzcocks, The Wasps, Penetration, The Rezillos, Metal Urbain, The Viletones, Harry Toledo, Human Switchboard EP. Elsewhere we have Antz images and Heroin Lyric. Again, this write up just about scratches the surface. Brill!A4 scanned at 600 dpiRipped & Torn #10