by Luc Fierens
Anarchy, venom, outrage, fury! Something of a curio here - it's Paul Sinclair's stand alone, Here's the Sex Pistols. The cover says it all really - it's basically a compilation of press around the Bollocks LP. Mention is made of Swindle and the Pistols' split + some newspaper cuttings and lots of pictures of John Lydon. I suppose it's one for the completist really. Still, worth a minute or 2 of anybody's time - if punk is your bag!
A4 folded scanned at 400 dpi
Here's the Sex Pistols
Received this beautiful bookin exchange for Plágium2000‘s Fanzine Show Catalog. The book was published in 2011. The following lines taken from Visualizing Poetics blog describe his collage works.
Luc Fierens ended last year with a short but significant exhibition of his works entitled “Sulla Strada [On the Road]—Luc Fierens” at the U Man /Contemporary /Art /Space /Project in Marano d’Isera, Trento, Italy. This exhibition covered Luc’s career as a visual poet and collagist from 1984 through last year, and the catalog of the exhibition presents these in chronological order, which allows us to see how Luc’s style progress from a fairly rough-hewn one to a style almost as polished as the glossy advertisements that became the main source of fodder for his poems.
The Fanzine that Kills all Known Germs Dead
Ok, apologies for yet another hiatus - I wanted to leave the Truth of Revolution alert as the top line until the £15k was reached and I'm pleased to announce that the Kickstart was a success. So, cracking on, here is Cram's precursor to Intensive Care, Music Works. It's a lovely scrappy affair largely made up of gig reviews of Crass / Poison Girls / Annie Anxiety / The Epileptics / T42, The Scars / Spizz Energi, Athletico Spizz 80, The Cure, UK Subs and Toyah; vinyl reviews of UK Subs, Toyah, Politicians, Martha & the Muffins, UK Decay, Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark, The Notsensibles, Dangerous Girls, Siouxsie & the Banshees, The Licks, The Slits, The Filmcast, The Pop Group, Discharge, Adam & the Ants, Killing Joke, and the Afflicted; an article on The Undertones; some little snippets from here and there + bits of collage and Cram's charts. All in all it's an enjoyable article all around really.
A4 scanned at 400 dpiMusicWorks
Plágium2000 participated at the group show organized by young curators and Higgs Field at Budapest Downtown.
The exhibition was ment to be a historical overview of last decades zine scene in Hungary.
Participants: Kaszás Tamás-gyűjtemény, Artpool-archív, Innen Zines, KARATE ZINE, Plágium 2000, Reflex Zine, Direkt – Bestiarium Hungaricum, Labor Bp Archív, StructZine, Nem mi voltunk! Crew, Pink Reiter, Gondolkodó Antikvárium, Klorofill, Rajzlap, Tokmag Publishing, Fal és Beton fanzine, Indíték Tématéka, Zérro, Anarchista újság, TACS, Genyó Szívó Disztroly, Gép-FRújt, Getto, Barikád, HARD, Életjel, Dark Zala Tálym, Diktatúra, Bruthalia, A buvarok reménykednek, Technologie und das Unheimliche et al.
congratulations you guys, looks like a really nice show and you have a cool site…keep up the good work!
steve perkins
Dear All,
The Fanzine Show continues in a certain way. We are going to document all incoming fanzine/ bookwork material and upload it to this dynamic anthology here on this site – meanwhile we are open for fanzine show and exhibition collaborations to present our archive live. Right now we have couple of fresh booklets from Reed Altemus (USA) and Luc Fierens (Be). Also some materials sent for ReSite assembling publication of David Dellafiora (AUS). As for our updated postal addresses ask for the actual one at multiplika2000 – gmail.
Meanwhile we participate with Plágium2000 materials at a Fanzine Exhibition in Budapest
A Plágium2000 csoport tagjai a hetvenes- nyolcvanas évek magánkiadóit idéző modorban alkotnak, multiplika-vásárokat szerveznek, jelöletlen szövegátvételeikkel a korszellemnek megfelelő, a szerzőség fogalmán túllépő fénymásolt tartalmakat hoznak létre.
Finally the catalog of the Fanzine Show (organized from 2009 and exhibited in 2010 at Műcsarnok [Kusnthalle], Budapest) is published. The catalogue was edited and printed in Vienna while the editor was staying there at an artist residency program. However due to economic issues the catalogue was only printed in 40 copies. Besidethe full online documentation we kindly ask all the participants who didn’t get a printed catalogue, please, ask for a digital pdf printable version at multiplika2000- gmail – com. Thanks for your understanding!
Best, Plágium2000
The Truth of Revolution, Brother is a unique exploration of the philosophy of punk, based on the ideas, beliefs and lives of the people that created the movement.
The punk explosion of the late 70’s and early 80’s changed the face of music, art, fashion and more. But it didn't stop there. We believe the originators of this movement were onto something really important. They had a unique view on an alternative way of operating in society (and often outside of it). We set out to reconnect to the same people that were behind this philosophical shift, to see how they live their values today. What had they learned? What is the lasting legacy? We are interested in what this means for us now.
We have spent a year with some of the most influential figures in the global punk movement. The people we’ve spoken to have been musicians, artists, poets, politicians and provocateurs of all hues. We’ve interviewed the brains behind bands like Crass, Minor Threat & Fugazi, Sugarcubes, Big Black, Subhumans, Poison Girls, The Pop Group & Mark Stewart and the Maffia, The Møb, The Adverts, The Membranes, Steve Ignorant’s Slice of Life, Ghostigital, Oi Polloi, Rubella Balletand many more.