No More of That #1, 1981

It's written in their rulesTo put missiles before hospitalsA smashing little fanzine is this No More of That. Assembled by Bobby Gray in Airdrie, it's a somewhat slim affair - just the 12 pages but enough is packed in to be of interest. Interviews with Crass, Six Minute War (quite a lengthy effort by 6MW standards - it may be the longest interview I've seen with those DIY wunderkids) and The L Plates. There's a wee feature on the band End Result, Kelly Woz Nowhere focuses on a TV programme entitled, Kelly Woz Here, and Oi the Farce has a critical look at Garry Bushell's brainchild. Overall it's a very entertaining little number. I'm rather desperately trying to get me mitts on issue 2 of NMoT so if any soul out there can help me out that'd be ace…the desolate sound of tumbleweed…A4 scanned at 400 dpiNo More of That #1
