
Maximumrocknroll #49 has been posted.

Maximumrocknroll #48 has been posted.

Maximumrocknroll #47 has been posted.

Maximumrocknroll #46 has been posted.

Maximumrocknroll #45 has been posted.

Maximumrocknroll #44 has been posted.

First off, thanks for all the attention everybody has given the site this past week. The first two issues of Combat Stance were downloaded at a quick clip, faster than most of the other zines when they were first posted. Like I said, I'll only be able to post on the weekends, so there should be posts for a good long time.

I was right in saying CS was published into 1989. (Memory is starting to come back!). These last two issues caused a big stir. The interviews with Slapshot and Roger of Agnostic Front are really well done. All in all, Phil and Tom put out a winner here and accomplished their goal, calling out the hardcore scene on their shit.

Here's number 3 and 4 of Combat Stance...

Combat Stance 3

Combat Stance 4

I have never read anything so enthusiastic about 999. Apologies for messing up the pdf, page 2 appears twice.

Download here.


in 2009 Ivan, who runs FUCK YOGA RECORDS released a one-sided compilation 12" called FREAK POWER that came with a zine of the same name.
the zine has interviews with THE ENDLESS BLOCKADE, APARTMENT 213, BURMESE and SETE STAR SEPT plus horror movie talk by Colin M. Tappe (CRIME DESIRE/ LIFE IS A RAPE) and an in-depth analysis of IN A GLASS CAGE. 36 pages, add-free, written in English

click the cover to d/l the zine!

on a side note: as the FREAK POWER comp. 12" plus the zine are still available through FUCK YOGA REC. and/or from one of the other usual suspects I didn't incl. a rip of the 12"!

click here to purchase a copy!

WoW! Tom O'Hara, who was a well known dude in the NYHC scene in the late 1980's, was one of the editors of the classic 'zine, Combat Stance. I had passed along my copies of this 'zine ages ago and thankfully, Tom sent me a complete set to scan of Combat Stance (and a few other 'zines which we will get to) and post them to the DFPS.

Combat Stance was published during the year of 1988 (maybe into 1989) and lasted 4 issues. The editor team on this classic fanzine was extremely outspoken and used the NYHC scene's insecurities against them. Needless to say, it was a controversial publication.

Now after 20 years you can read what the hubbub was all about...here's issue one and two!

Combat Stance #1

Combat Stance #2