Life`s Blood

WoW! Tom O'Hara, who was a well known dude in the NYHC scene in the late 1980's, was one of the editors of the classic 'zine, Combat Stance. I had passed along my copies of this 'zine ages ago and thankfully, Tom sent me a complete set to scan of Combat Stance (and a few other 'zines which we will get to) and post them to the DFPS.

Combat Stance was published during the year of 1988 (maybe into 1989) and lasted 4 issues. The editor team on this classic fanzine was extremely outspoken and used the NYHC scene's insecurities against them. Needless to say, it was a controversial publication.

Now after 20 years you can read what the hubbub was all's issue one and two!

Combat Stance #1

Combat Stance #2

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