
I couldn't think of a more perfect name for a UK punk fanzine.

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Recién saliendo del horno esta la nueva edición del zine existencia muerta, esta vez con portada y contraportada en papel glasé y mejor diagramación, 16pag, y libre pa fotocopiar, en este número con entrevistas y artículos:

La web de noticias anarcopunk.
Poesía y caos.
Una historia de anarquismo.
Tortura no es cultura, menos deporte.
A su imagen y semejanza.


muy buen trabajo el de tu blog. salud.

Luis Vasquez
aptdo postal 021 cantaura-anzoategui-venezuela
Exitencia Muerta Records
Kondenadoz Banda
Salud y libertad.

Skål på dig själv! - Slobodan

Как я вижу, единственный модератор данного сообщества удалён и смыт. Да и новостей маловато. Живые-то тут есть?

PunksIsHippies is very proud to present one of the best and most reverned contemporary hardcore punk fanzines, namely RATCHARGE.

Editor Alex posted this on his fancy new-technology website and had this to say for himself:

I've decided to give Issuu a try - it's a tool that allows to upload zines/ magazines to be read online. Readers of the Punks Is Hippies blog, for example, are most likely really familiar with it by now, but for me it feels like this crazy brand new technology. Anyway here's issue 19, the split with Distort, minus the Distort part that I couldn't be fucked uploading right now. That's the only issue I had scans available for so don't expect the other ones to pop up anytime soon, as I prefer to focus my energy on the future rather than the past. Enjoy!

CLICK HERE (registered users -which is free- may download pdf from there)

In case you haven't heard, Touch and Go fanzines were reprinted as a big book. It's a lot cheaper than buying the originals (if you can find them)! Bazillion Points is where you can pick it up.


Заказывать книги с амазона, можно как напрямую, так и с помощью некоторых локальных дистро, например, books.ru. у меня на www.j3qq4.org (я bachan, а не sterk сверху формочка для поиска по англоязычной литературе, имеющейся сейчас у них в наличии (или когда-то имевшейся), но в принципе можно вообще что угодно заказать.


The first of five huge updates have been posted to the Underground Discography:


There are over 6,000 punk, hardcore and diy records posted for you to review and rate. That's right math genius - when this thing is done, it will have over 30,000 records. I can only get one huge update done every 10 months or so. Most of the biggies are in there now though.

that's Tim Yohannan and Jeff Bale in thee olden MRR radio days
this is us:


Download here.
Zine blog/contact here.

More US powerpop - this issue features the Real Kids, DMZ, and the Jumpers. Back to the britpunk next week.

Download here.