
AC: So you're opposed to the whole aura of the 'rock scene'.'Jaz: Of course I'm fucking opposed to it. Don't you think it's funny that people like us can be in a studio like this. They hate it, the idea that a grotty little turd like me could get anywhere near what they're doing. I hate the music business. I like the scene that you guys are interested in - small bands. Jaz Coleman, 1981'Issue #8 of Anti-Climax has good interviews with UK Decay and Killing Joke + a fairer appraisal of Another Pretty Face + a mention of The Anticx from Haverhill. 7" reviews - Pinpoint, Redbeat, Ski Patrol, Crass + letters. Cracking stuff. 'A4 scanned at 400 dpi Anti-Climax #8

Самиздат из Гродно!

Стас («Дура», «Бунтуйма», «Правакатар», «Кен-гуру» (2000), журнал КДС «Разам», группа Deviation)
Саша (зін «Б-р-р-р», 77 distro *RIP*)


KIRSTY (Captain's girlfriend): Are you sick on stage ?

IAN: Of course I'm not sick on stage. What do you think I am, some kind of nutcase.?Ian Woodcock (Vibrators), 1980
I've 3 issues of Anti Climax to upload + a spare #5, which I'll be giving away in a competition type thing. Anti Climax ran to 9 copies between '79-'82 and again, Clash sniping aside, it's a good little runner. Issue #6 also has: The Puritans, The Bleeding Pyles; live - SLF/Another Pretty Face ('boring'? - I saw the Bradford George's Hall leg of this tour and thought APF were excellent - horses/courses...), 999/Pinpoint; LPs - Penetration, The Cockney Rejects, Hybrid Kids Compilation; 7"s - Killing Joke, The Vibrators, The Cure, The Cockney Rejects, Sham 69 + news, letters and readers' chart.
If you've not already spotted it, get yourself along to DaveO's new blog, http://daveo-musicandstuff.blogspot.com/. Kindly making costly and rare items readily available for all to see, gratis, DaveO will be posting Punk fanzines. And hey, please acknowledge that generosity of spirit by offering thanks once in a while for the treats that are dished-up.

Итак, продолжение!


Second issue of the Brum fanzine with the Suburban Studs in London, gig review of Neo (Ian North from Milk'n'Cookies' very mediocre new-wave band) and more.

Download here.

Here is Kuumat kyyneleet #3, 1987. The name means 'hot tears'. This is from Äkäslompolo, a village in Lapland.

Content: CMX (Kanniainen), Gig reviews, In the army, Extreme Noise Terror, Irstas, Wiipurin A-levyt, South Africa, Skate 'n' destroy, Speak Sami or die / Intolerance, Anarchy, Conscientious objector on a hunger strike

I only translated Extreme Noise Terror. I'm a bit knackered.


Donate a greeting of thanks here.

Первое видео из серии о белорусских зинах. Тарам!
Итак, Митрич  (Eh!, Выгребная яма, Left Hander).

Следите за продолжением!

Here's three very fraile looking Mexican hardcore zines:

Colectivo Cambio Radical Fuerza Positiva Zine #1
Colectivo Cambio Radical Fuerza Positiva Zine #2
Furia Y Mensaje #5

Please leave a comment if you can add some info.


9 июля 2010 года в 18 часов 30 минут в Большом зале библиотеки-фонда «Русское зарубежье» состоится творческий вечер исследователя ГУЛАГа, поэта, художника Лидии Головковой по страницам книг: «Тихая обитель», «Сухановская тюрьма. Спецобъект 110» – книги о пыточной тюрьме НКВД-МГБ; «Иоанно-Предтеченский монастырь» – в соавторстве с инокиней Иларией (Харченко); альбомов: «Свято-Екатерининский мужской монастырь», «Художник Владимир Тимирев», «Святые Новомученики и Исповедники Российские, в земле Казахстанской просиявшие» – в соавторстве с В. Королевой и О. Хайловой.

OK It's apparent to me and I'm sure you fine folks out there that this blog is on life support...it happens to the best of them. I have tried my hardest to get some new content up but it's just not happening.

The blog will remain though...there is a lot of good content here to download. I would advise to get it while you can and please spread it around the 'net. That is the whole purpose.

I have told people in the past if I could just get the issues of Hardware up and out there, I would consider this a success. It did go beyond that and there are more 'zine blogs out there scanning. I encourage you to scan because it is really important...

Thanks for the support you have given in the past few months. I hope you got something out of this. If I do come across something worth uploading I will do so...
