
We put this magazine together as the MRR house was being worked on—the mortar between the bricks is slowly seeping out, then the water heater broke. Cissie packed up her
things to move to Portland whilst training Mariam who just got here from Chicago. Diane’s band, Opt Out, with shitworkers Robert Collins, Dan Goetz and Trash recorded a demo. People leaving, things falling apart, bands recording, epic changes and endless disasters. We have been listening to Lullabies Make the Brain Grow, Feel the Darkness, Killed by Death #3 and Electrify Me on repeat, caffeinating our brains to full capacity and attempting to get shit done without letting the chaos that currently surrounds us overtake us…
It’s hard to understand or explain the amount of work that this job entails until you actually have to do it. I have been working on the magazine since ’03, but I had no idea how much work my friends who were coordinators did until suddenly I sat surrounded by green taped records, at 3am realizing our sales taxes were due tomorrow,
the layout I was working on just crashed, the roof above the coordinator desk is leaking and no one’s picked up mail for a week… Sometimes we sit from morning coffee until long after the rest of the world has gone to sleep, forgetting to eat, working on this thing. The stress of not knowing if we are going to make rent, all adding to the dreamy and endless interpersonal conflicts that arise in an all volunteer punk

Usually it’s George Tabb who goes over the word count and squeezes the coordinator columns to their most minimal, this month it was Roehrs who unleashed an epic. What with Cock Sparrer live in SF, and the Agnostic Front reissues, the Roehrs universe was at its peak. I have been not been existing in a universe at its peak, just walking round town listening to tapes I made last time I had a walkman, in the early ’00s. King Crimson and PP Arnold, Quix*o*tic and Circus Lupus, Unwound and Jerry’s Kids. Wanna make me a tape?

Alot of times when you have to make a difficult decision regarding the magazine, there’s an unmistakable voice in the back of your mind intoning, “Tim wouldn’t have done it that way,” or something to that effect. Certain things about the way that the magazine is run are set in stone, most of them for good reason. This isn’t Punk Rock Confidential, so even though we could use the revenue, you aren’t gonna see advertisements for Ramones baby-wear or Social D sneakers anytime soon... We always get into long conversations about whether or not something is punk—or, if it is punk, is it Maximum? Are the Young Marble Giants punk in a way that means they can exist in the same review section as Terveet Kädet? Really? There are reviews of SPK and Diamanda Galas records in early issues of MRR...
One thing that always struck me as a little strange was the fact that there was only one Fugazi record in the record collection. That band shaped how I view punk and DIY culture, and I see them as very much a part of the same idea of punk that MRR represents. It’s well known that a lot of the records missing from MRR’s record library were either rejected or purged because of Tim’s own preferences and prejudices—it was his own personal collection, after all... In recent years, in order to fill these holes, we have in one way or another replaced a lot of classic punk
records that he deemed unsuitable—in this issue we have a review of the Raincoats’

Here Miguel again writing form Spain. I’m sending link to two “new” fanzines, that I scanned a few days ago.
Its REPTIL #1 circa 1991 and UNDERGROUND SCENE #1 circa 1989-90. Please leve the links in your blog for people interested in them ( if you want, of course).
I would like asking if you know some webpage into trading old metal magazines in pdf, you know Kerrang, Aardshock, Metal Hammer, Circus… 70’s 80’s … you know that kind of stuff…
Well, thanks in advance. I leve the adrees of a website that I just starting .
See you

Cool looking Spanish magazine/fanzine with surprising broad coverage. Includes Poison Idea interview, Verbal Abuse poster, IDENTITY (Sweden) interview, Fugazi interview, stuff on Roger Miret, Gorilla Biscuits, reviews of a lot of varied international hardcore records and videos, and in the middle of all this a Janes addiction interview (!). Awesome! (Slobodan B)

Hi, I've finally finished the second issue of my art zine Germfree Adolescence. You were kind enough to feature my first issue on your blog, so I figured I'd send you this one.



The Argentinan DIY zine convervatory project continues...

Here's two recent zines added:

Find the zines here (Issuu)

And a little advertising from the people who scanned the zines...

Aki les envio una propaganda del DEKADENCIA HUMANA para ke la difundan por donde ustedes krean propicio y desde ya pueden eskribir o aportar kon otas o lo ke kieran eskribir,esto tambien es de ustedes y para tod@s,estoy trabajando en el nuevo numero,no akostumbro a hacer notas,ke kada kual eskriba libremente lo ke desee expresar o dinfundir,desde ya muchas gracias kompa por su apoyo.

Here's English translations of Finnish hardcore zine Barabbas #1 from 1984.

You will find translated sections relating to Varaus, Destrucktions, Rattus, Tampereella tapahtuu I, Aivoproteesi, IKBALS, Letter from Gerry...

Also summarised is sections relating to Ulkoministeriö vakoilee?, Tampereella tapahtuu II, Maho Neitsyt; Kansan Uutiset...

Translators notes:
If you see [...], that part of the text was blurry or missing. If you see people talk arbitrary shit, a part of their head was blurry or missing.

I didn't do the entire Burroughs article, and I had to do some translations of translations there because I couldn't find all the original quotes. I did find the original quotes from "Wichita Vortex Sutra" and "The Journal of Albion Moonlight".


Many many thanks!!!!

Вышел третий номер журнала "Asemic Movement" (редактор - Тим Гейз, Австралия), посвященного вопросам асемического письма.
Журнал можно скачать с сайта журнала "Слова".
Прямая ссылка (300 КБ):

В номере:
- рецензия на книгу R. Murray Schafer, "SHADOWGRAPHS AND LEGENDS"
- манифест А. Крученых и В. Хлебникова "БУКВА КАК ТАКОВАЯ" на русском и на английском, пер. Татьяны Бонч-Осмоловской
- перевод текста Хань Ю (Hán Yù) о каллиграфе Жанг Цу (Zhang Xu) пер. Yang Xianyi и Gladys Yang
- 3 эссе Джима Лефтвича
- Фотография яйца - асемического объекта

Here is the first issue of an Australian fanzine that came out in March 1994. Titled after the Siege song zine's got a bunch of HC bands and related. Download. Thanks Chris for scans!

Features the Ramones, Clash and reviews of Chiswick stuff Little Bob Story and the Gorillas. You can tell its from right before the floodgates opened.

Download here.