
GRINDING HALTTHE KIND OF CRAP THAT TALKS BACKLadies & GentlemenHow do?Eddie Snide, 1980
This is a real corker of a fanzine - starting in 1979, Eddie Snide and Captain Callous produced 12 issues of Grinding Halt. Issue #5 is jam packed with excellent articles and reviews. Decent pieces on Patrick Fitzgerald and The Members. Reviews: 7"s - Those Naughty Lumps, Cult Figures, Apartment, The Donkeys, VIPs, The Yachts, Echo & The Bunnymen, The Scars, Stiffs; LPs - The Undertones, The Members, UK Subs, The Slits, The Pop Group, Magazine, The Fall, The Cure; Live - Mo-Dettes/Athletico Spizz 80/Tenpole Tudor, A Fast Crowd/Idiot Dancers, General Accident/Johnny & The Moondogs, The Wall, The Cramps/The Fall/Fashion, The Flatbackers/The K9s, Crisis/The Lazers/The Straps, and Wasted Youth. The interviews with Athletico Spizz 80 and Wreckless Eric are particularly smashing.
A4 scanned at 400 dpi
Grinding Halt #5

I can't find a number on this issue but its definitely not a one-off. Features Eddie and the Hot Rods, Ultravox and Tom Robinson Band. I know you all loooooooooove a little TRB.

Download here.

LONDON'S BURNING, the fanzine by a Clash fan for Clash fans, has been done because it beats sharpening pencils......dial 999 at your own risk. Jonh Ingham, 1976

A big treat here for Clash fans - Jonh Ingham's stylish London's Burning. It's a very nifty piece indeed with some fantastic collage work. Apart from this wonderful fanzine Ingham is credited with conducting the first Sex Pistols interview (published in Sounds, 24 April '76), writing the Rough Trade Newsletter, and penning many freelance pieces about the emergent Punk scene for papers such as Sounds and NME. Jonh writes on - you can read him in MOJO, the Word, Uncut and other publications.

Single sided A4 scanned at 400dpi
London's Burning #1

OK...OK...I know I'm really slow with the site...

Here' s a new interview with Tony Rettman that I did for his upcoming book, "Why Be Something That You Are Not!" I am personally really looking forward to reading it. See all the links below for more information on how to get it!

What made you want to write a book about the Detroit area punk scene?

The book started out as an article that I wrote for the now sadly defunct Swindle magazine; the issue came out in the summer of ‘07. A few months after the magazine came out, some people were telling me how good they thought the article was and I should try to expand it into a book. And for some reason, I listened to them! So, I would like it to be known that the initial spark to write about this scene came from Roger Gastman (then editor of Swindle) giving me the go-ahead to do it, so thanks to him.

Свершилось. Проект http://akratia.narod.ru/ обновлён, на нём появились полноценные категоризованные галереи анархической символики, рисунков, плакатов и карикатур в количестве 77 штук. Всего на сайте в данный момент находится свыше 3000 картинок. Но это не предел, поскольку ещё не готовы фотогалереи и галереи портретов.

Итак, на сегодняшний день посетители ресурса избавлены от необходимости качать все архивы себе на компьютер, вместо этого они могут пользоваться навигацией по тематическим разделам для поиска подходящих картинок. Сохранён заявленный стиль, в котором нет ничего лишнего, чистый "веб-один-ноль". Так что те, у кого до сих пор медленный и дорогой интернет, избавлены от необходимости грузить всякую дополнительную графическую лабуду (если не считать несколько баннеров 88*31, доставшихся в наследство от старого сайта).

Travel to the California scene here with articles on the Dils, the Screamers and a Crime questionnaire.

Download here.

Hi! I send the issue 3 from "Exilio Interior Fanzine" from Venezuela. Interviews with Punkora (Chile), Marzo del 76 (Argentina), Desacato (Colombia), comics, reviews, articles and more!


Zine Blog.


This city, San Francisco is the first time I have lived somewhere within walking distance of the ocean since the ’90s. when I lived in Brighton, England for three years of college. I have now lived here for five years, with two years spent in Oakland before that. Prior to Oakland I lived in London for a year, before which I was in New York City for close to two years, I moved there from Orange County, California where I lived for a little over two years. I moved to the OC to care for my grandmother, just after I graduated from college in England, where I am from. I moved to Brighton as a teenager from London, the city in which I was born and raised. A somewhat incongruous, sloppy and inadequately put together paragraph to indicate that I started volunteering at MRR shortly after moving to the Bay Area, which is the place I have lived the longest since abandoning my home town, London. Every so often people will ask why I don’t move to NYC or LA, or back to London. As if I am here while I figure out what my “real life” is going to entail in a big city… When I lived in all those other places, I used to think, when things got bad—well, you can always leave.

Thee olde toppe tenne! Cut in half, bargain bin stylee.

1-The mysterious NZ comp 12” that Graham Booth tantalized my ears and brains with, it came out sometime in 1980/1981, featured mostly girl punk bands, had weird blue, kind of psychedelic cover that sort of resembled a ‘70s curtain more than a black light painting if ya know what I’m saying. At any rate I didn’t bother to write anything down—band names, who needs em. I had an idea of the comp title and record label, and assumed I could use the power of the computer search tools available in modern life to
find out more. How wrong I was! There is nothin’ anywhere about this artifact, the search led me to the absolutely insane and amazingcore Y2K Axemen blog. The maniac New Zealand band have provided a most excellent resource and time suck rabbit hole of doom, theaxemen.wordpress.com, into which I suggest you throw yourself if you are interested in downloading tapes of pre-Shoes This High bands, looking at eye damaging art and finding out which over the counter medicines have psychedelic properties. In short if you need to know about New Zealand punk weirdos and the things they conceived of during the ‘80s through ‘til now, that place is a good starting point. I am being purposely vague here, but if anyone knows what I am talking about in regards to this
record and can tape it for me, we would be friends for life. No lie.