
Here's is Sudden Death #2.5...the photo issue!

Sudden Death Fanzine #2.5 (2003)

Воля #28, обложка
"Воля" #28, обложка, версия "а", с ошибочкой )) Если кому вдруг надо, как бутлег такой. Версия без ошибочки - coming soon.

Заметили вы, или нет, но в сети уже скоро трое суток как вывешен макет 28-го номера "Воли", маленькой анархо-газетки, к выпуску которой я причастен с лета 1989 года.

Если кто уже прочитал/посмотрел, поделитесь впечатлениями о содержании/оформлении.

Посоветуйте также, какой бумажный тираж печатать - 200, 300 или 500 копий, сколько сейчас захавает наш "анархо-рынок"?

Основные темы этого выпуска:

*антифашистские акции 19 января 2010 года и их уроки,
*борьба с ввозом радиоактивных отходов,
*судебные процессы над активистами общественного движения,
*культура и контркультура

Скачать 28-й номер "Воли" можно здесь: http://www.4shared.com/file/215587219/faa818ef/volia28.html

Адрес для связи с редакцией: wolja.info@gmail.com


Предыдущие номера "Воли" в сети:

26-й номер "Воли" (апрель 2008-го) в ПДФ: http://samizdat.zaraz.org/journals/volia/volia_26.pdf

27-й номер "Воли" (май 2009-го) в ПДФ: http://www.4shared.com/file/102832471/6ab49bc1/volia27.html

Gadgie is a long running UK fanzine, here is the zine's listing from PUNKER PAGES #1:

This issue appears to have an interview with Pointdexter, reviews, etc etc. You may get in contact with the zine via this Myspace: GADGIE. Thanks to Steve for the scan and upload!


Here's #2 of Sudden Death. This one has interviews with Tony Erba of 9 Shocks Terror and Lew Dimmick of Our Gang...check it out!

Sudden Death Fanzine #2 (2002)

Stephen Perry of http://equalizingxdistort.blogspot.com has been posting issues of Full Contact magazine. Full Contact magazine was published by Rod Orchard in Canada throughout the late 1990's/early 2000's. These are very well done and worth checking out. While you are on Equalizing Distort, please check out Stephen's radio show and 'zine!

Full Contact #1

Full Contact #2

Full Contact #4

Full Contact #5

Full Contact #7

"Why Be Something That You're Not" is an oral history of the Detroit Hardcore Punk scene in the early 80's being published by Revelation Records in the summer of 2010. The editor, Tony Rettman, has started up a behind the scenes blog covering the book. The first post is up and covers the classic band, The Fix. Please check it out, this book is going to be hot!


Sudden Death was a hardcore music fanzine published by Chris Minicucci in the early 2000's. This 'zine has a great stark white on black style. Great interviews with Mark McKay of Slapshot and Scott Heland of Deep Wound/Outpatients. Add this one to your digital fanzine collection!

Sudden Death Fanzine #1 (2002)

4 Minute War 3
Ripcord, Electro Hippies, Anihilated, Feed Your Head, Rhetoric, ENT, Maximum Security, Autonomy, Arrogance, articles, more..

More issues of 4 MINUTE WAR FANZINE here.

4 Minute War 1
Broken Bones, Heavy Discipline, Generic, Disrupters, Revulsion..

More issues of 4 MINUTE WAR FANZINE here.