
Black Flag from SToke Newington? What the hell...Also cool Discharge Apocalypse Tour with Exploited etc review for nerds like me.HERE!

Thanks to Bill Wend for locating a copy of this for me to post. Figures the guy (me) who made the zine, loses it. Anyway, there is a fantastic tour diary by the band Cross Laws and mounds of photos...check it out!

Quick Fix fanzine #5 (2007)

More Noize # 3 (A5, 28 pages, UK, 2009)
Interviews Terska (Finland), Caravana Anarquista (Japan), the Wankys noise lecture, Wankys/Active Minds tour report, Brisbane scene report, history of State Adults, Noisepug records, lots of reviews etc.

Download Pdf [about a mb].

Buy a copy on paper for £1 ppd in UK/Europe or £2 rest of world. PayPal with your address to Slobodanburgher[A]gmail.com.

More Noize #1 here.
More Noize #2 / Vapuas #4 here.

P.s. Other MN nonsense here. d.S.

Hot on the tails of #1 here's #3 --->

Here's a great issue of Cobalt Hate for you. Product of another benefit gig involving Crass and Poison Girls - these C.H. fellows sure had some generous support: and they repaid in spades with this fanzine. Imaginative and irreverent as ever with excellent use of colour. Lots on Dead Kennedys, Epileptics, Honey Bane (page inverted in original flipped in pdf); gig and record reviews + more Charlie's Angels piss-takery with Jowlie's Robots.

Can anybody out there fill the gap where C.H. #2 should be?

"You've read the film, you've seen the Book now..."

Download Cobalt Hate #3

Sine Nomine ("without a name")

"He'll Probably Smash That Cider Bottle Over Your Head"

1982, A4 (originally), 14 pages. 'Anti Punk' punk fanzine featuring Psycho Faction, Beserk, Assasins of Hope, St Vitus Dancers, Small article on Atherstone (the place). LOTs of anti 'punk as a fashion' bile :).

(apologies for the poor qualiy but it was poorly xeroxed and has faded over time)


Contribution from Midge.

7 марта в 20.00 в книжном магазине "Фаланстер"
(Малый Гнездниковский переулок, 12/27)
состоится презентация 7 номера литературно-философского  журнала «Слова».

If someone was to ask what my top 5 fanzines of all time were...I would say I don't have a top 5 but Bullshit Monthly is definitely one of the best fanzines ever made. Mike Bromberg's classic hardcore/punk fanzine (1984-90), Bullshit Monthly, was extremely influential to my future 'zine making. I still don't know how he had the patience to write so small and fill every millimeter of the page.

Mike has set up a Facebook page for the 'zine, so please check it out, get inspired and learn how to make a good 'zine!

Bullshit Monthly Tribute

Another zine blog has started. The first zine is Cobalt Hate #1, 1979, with "Bits on Crass, Poison Girls, Rondos, Epileptics, Rubella Ballet; sniping at the Clash and a withering review of UK Decay/ Pneumania". Check it out.

A new blog called 70s Punk Fanzines blog will have some 70s UK punk zines.

"For anyone interested in 70s (primarily UK) punk, I've started a blog to share the scans I did of Mick Jones' fanzines at the Rock'n'Roll public library last summer. Going to put something new up every week until I run out. To start things off is a fanzine dedicated entirely to West London's Valves."

Check it out.

When Brett and I did Hardware, we did have some ideas to try and make it like the east coast MRR. Unfortunately, we could never get a few people to get together and help make that happen. Looking back, it would have been great to team up with a mag like Inside Front. Inside Front was published by Crimethinc. out of Atlanta GA and were another big newsprint thing that everybody read. For some reason, a lot of people hated these guys. I can't see why. Inside Front was a great read every time...

This was a recent scan on the net but every page was cut wrong. Pages were straightened, in some cases enlarged and cleaned up. The copy that this was scanned from must have been really aged. Ads pages were blown to the four corners of the earth...enjoy this great issue.

Inside Front #9 (1996)