
here are the front covers of zines i have (N-Z) scroll yerself through this lot and let me know your requests, a few at a time only like, ta.


here are the front covers of zines i have (A-M) scroll yerself through this lot and let me know your requests, a few at a time only like, ta.


Folk zine is a nature inspired zine written by Andreas Nilsson from Sweden. This effort started in 2006 and despite the name this is a eco-anarchist, vegan and punk orientated zine, there are four issues delivering punk record and zine reviews, interviews, vegan recipes and some other articles. The lay out is very nice (and site's interface is well done) and three of the four issues are available for free. Andreas also runs a small distro.

Yet again, another great issue of this classic NYC hardcore fanzine...

In Effect #8 (1996)

Final Curtain was a punk & hardcore music fanzine from the UK in the early 1980's. Paul May was the main editor. This is a very cool fanzine and is definitely worth checking out...

These links are originally from http://ukzinelibrary.blogspot.com and there are a tons of UK fanzines scanned there, please go and check it out. I plan on doing posts on some of the zines there in the future.

Thanks to Christopher Porter for pointing me in the right direction for these:

"Here's a whole slew of already-scanned copies of Local Chaos, a
mid-'80s Ann Arbor, Mich., hardcore/punk/skate 'zine"


and then later he refered me to:

"Just remembered there's another pretty amazing '80s Michigan hardcore

Here is an issue of Progression by Felix Heiduk and Katrin Lindenmann out of Berlin, Germany. More info can be found out about this 'zine from http://www.mrmadeo.com where this link originated from...


The people over at Tee Til Death have a post about the old Hardware fanzine t-shirt that Brett and I sold back in the mid-1990's...One is listed on Ebay at the moment, go over to their site to get the link if interested in bidding!


Time Will Tell was a hardcore music fanzine published by Steven Asbury out of New Jersey. This is issue 4. The full page ads were nuked...

Time Will Tell #4 (1997)