
Antipatia #8 talks with Afeite Al Perro. You can hear the radio version at this link.

Sorry to say that I made a mistake in the text of the previous post. We are doing fanzines since the beginning of the 90s. That means 20 years, not 10.
Thanks for your time.

at 118 pages of A4 reduced type this is the fattest zine scanned so far- thus had to be broke up into 4 parts for uploading purposes. included are : head of david, big black, sonic youth, the damned, flux, atv, the fall, playground, cyndi lauper! ausgang, spizz, george romero, the very things, bastard kestrel, perfect daze, scratch acid, membranes, clar obscur, coil, a look back through the gigs of 1986 and a fuckn TON of reviews. serious stuff.

interviews with the fall, shriekback, anne clark, the committee and more.. including a whole load of zine reviews, articles on a variety of non music stuff too , a most interesting zine indeed.

allied propaganda 8

Cubesville is dead. Long live Cubesville.
One Way Ticket to Cubesville 7 is now available exclusively on paper. The people's favourite DIY absurdist anarcho-punkzine has reformed and is now available in quality paper format. With complete original lineup, the scourge of the Thatcher and Major governments promises to comprimise none of the intensity and ferocity of its original incarnation...except maybe politics, music, humour and the astonishing quantities of cheap supermarket cider quaffed at the time. Apart from that, it's every bit as good. Featuring bands and people around before the last issue was printed - 15 years ago. UK Subs, Amebix, Stupids, Hates, Geriatric Unit, Jailcell Recipes plus: Punk Rock Pub Quiz, charity shops and McCubesville's burger bar. In glorious PAPER


'special kill the cow issue' - YES! - I have searched for decades for this issue (thanks to Richard for the package of early 80's gems- watch this space) now somebody help me find number 5! Issue 1 has Flux of Pink Indians, Skeptix, Xtract and a load of record gig and zine reviews, daft comics - brief 16 pager hinting at great things to come, or something.


fookin hell if i could only choose one zine that epitomises it all it would be Raising Hell - pure gold. over 20 issues and with a print run of over 2000 (stapling sessions at sillyville) and sold / traded out of plastic bags at gigs and picnics around the world , hell there were even songs written about sik o war being 'god'. totally diy, punk as fuck and essential to the leeds and beyond of the late 80's. issue one scan coming soon and the later ones too - still missing is issue 5 if anyone can help ??

RAISING HELL 2 - leeds summer 1983

На сайте литературно-философского журнала "Слова" появилась PDF-версия 7 номера.

Second Nature was a hardcore music fanzine published by Dan Askew from Kansas City, MO. Here is the Spring 1995 and has interviews with bands like Chokehold and Integrity plus a large review section. Ad pages were sent to the moon...If you have any issues of this 'zine, please scan them!

Second Nature Fanzine (Spring 1995)

Crucial 'Zine is a on going hardcore music fanzine from the UK. Well put together that views hardcore and punk rock with touch of humor. Definitely worth checking out. You can download the 1st four issues at:
