
Cool Slaughter and the Dogs interview where they slag the Buzzcocks off quite a bit. Excellent Users advert on the back page.

Download here.

I didn't scan this one, but found CRANK CALL #1 somewhere on the web, therefore I'm not sure if it's the whole zine. As it has 25 pages I somehow doubt that, but those 25 pages are funny enough to (re-)post them though. Rumors say it was done by people from STRIFE or people close to them, but I've no idea if that's true.



Flipside #1 files have been updated with better scans:

Usually MRR has another shitworker edit and compile all the year end top tens, as it’s a huge amount of work on top of the already heavy coordinator workload. This year the task ended up in my hands. And what a task! I would say we have about ten times the usual amount of lists this issue, some of the top tenners wrote over 3,000 words! I looked back at a few old year end top ten issues, and noticed that the same people had complained about what a shitty year in music it was every single year for the past five! Makes you wonder when the mythical “good” year in punk rock was.... Every year is a shitty year; we’re doomed! There are also a few records that made 2009 top tens as well as 2010 top tens (some records even made the same contributors lists both years!) We tried to edit out anything that came out in say, June of 2009, from the running, but it can get confusing because of the cover date of the magazine. For example we work on the issue that says February on the cover in December. Any records that are reviewed in the February issue actually came out the year before despite the cover date. The issue you are reading right now is the March issue, but most of the records reviewed in it came into the magazine in December, so again, more year end confusion to come! We also try to only cover stuff that’s reviewable in the magazine. Have you already done your year end top ten? Probably, since by the time you will be reading this it’s a few months into 2011.

Another issues of Live Wire. Mod-friendly and also featuring, er, Bob Marley. Download here.

This is going to be a short column, even though it’s probably one of the hardest ones I have had to write… MRR is one of the most inspiring life changing frustrating things I have been involved in. This month, at the year end shitworker meeting I gave my six month’s notice as content coordinator of this magazine. I do not intend on leaving the Bay Area, or stopping working on the magazine totally. I just realized a few months ago that I would like to come home from a days work at my crappy retail job, and not have to work for another six hours on the magazine, then do the same thing the next day and the next day. This is partially due to my own workaholic nature, I know this, which is why I am not abandoning ship totally. I just want a break. I intend on continuing to write for this rag—that includes coming up with content, (you should do this too! Interview your favorite band and send it in!)—and of course to continue on with the epic work that goes on behind the scenes. Most of you will have no clue how much effort goes into this thing you hold in your hands, every month, year after year, over one hundred shitworkers and three coordinators all working for free.

Mirra: Right. Uh, can you read music?
Graham: No, none of us can, if any of us has an idea, then we go 'di-dum-der-dir-dum etc'....till we can all play it, then we add bits on to it.

Love the cartoons in this.

Download here.

You can't really ask me questions and expect me to answer them, 'cos I'm so confused I can't even believe that we're alive, I think it's so weirdShrink

Another exhilarating hit of Callous & Snide's, Grinding Halt. Live: The Distractions, Between Pictures, Clayson & The Argonauts, The Legendary Flobs, The Time, The Cockney Rekects/The Pack/Kidz Next Door, SLF, Coconut Dogs, El Seven, Zerox, Suspects & The Seize, Mighty Strypes/The Runners. Vinyl: LPs - Crisis, The Moonlight Tapes comp, Toyah, Cheap Dialogue, Sham 69, The Vapors, Linton Kwesi Johnson, Joy Division; 7"s - The Dead Kennedys, The Distractions, The Freeze, Comsat Angels, The News, Crass/Poison Girls, Flys, Flowers, El Seven, The Fall, Sector 27, Discharge, Snatch, The Barracudas, The Damned, SLF. + a reasonable rap on the knuckles for No Cure fanzine & Eddie's delightful encounter with Shrink.'A4 scanned at 400 dpiGrinding Halt #6