
Download the fanzines here. (We could not get it to work though...)

Issue two. Issue one in previous post.

here send other old punkzine from buenos aires city,this zine was part of the CADAVERES DE NIÑOS crew,is one personal zine of PATRICIA,she was part of the olds bands punks how SENTIMIENTO INCONTROLABLE,CADAVERES DE NIÑOS,SHE DEVILS and today is part of CUMBIA QUEERS,she too make the other great zine of name RESISTENCIA.
This number is of 1990...BYE FRIEND!!


Hey Punks Is Hippies,http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
Froi here from the Philippines. I was browsing Punks is Hippies and saw that the Philippines isn't represented whatsoever, so I'm sending you Tijuana Fuerza de Ruido #2. It's a zine I did last year. Expect more Philippine zines from me soon. Thanks.
Froi / BMB Zine/Assault with Intent to Mosh Zine


Joys Of Noise #1
"From Catalonia"

Brilliant small zine from Barcelona raw punk anarkist city! Read it via the zine website.

'Are you as paranoid as a lot of your stuff suggests?'
'Paranoid? Oh yeah, paranoya is my life. I've been made that way by other people.'
Patrik Fitzgerald

By Pearl
PO Box 74

It's been so long since I reviewed Peach Melba (a rad list zine made by a 14 year old), that not only do I have three issues here, but apparently there are more issues waiting for me in the mailbox of my previous residence (I'm trying to get them!).

Each issue of this zine is folded in a crazy and neat way using only one piece of paper. It's hard to explain, but if you ever see it you'll also think it's neat. Within the carefully folded pages you'll find lots of typewritten lists about whatever Pearl is thinking about in a given month.

Some of my favourite lists in here are "rooms in a house" from issue 22 ("secret passageway" is the first listed room, awesome!), "Things that I've been hating recently" from issue 23 ("capitalism"!!!), and "Animals that I'd never even heard of until I wrote them in this list" from issue 24 ("zorilla").

I also love that Pearl is so political at a young age, being involved with critical mass bicycle rides (the dates of which are listed here), the UK Green Party (while acknowledging that "they are the lesser of many evils"), and generally hating the royal family!

By Elliot Baggott

So this is by far the most delayed review ever. I've had the images uploaded for months. Sigh.

This comic opens with two awesome pages that combine words written by Charlotte Bronte about the Crystal Palace, with drawings of Westfield shopping centre in London. It's a pretty neat juxtaposition of ideas, and I like how it compares things that were incredibly amazing with things that we now consider just common place. One hundred years ago people couldn't imagine wearing clothes made in another continent.

After this, we move into the main story, which is a short piece about the daydreams of a guy who works in a teeth whitening place in a mall. The whole piece has expository narration boxes that mirror the style that Bronte uses at the beginning of the piece. These help to make the idea of teeth whitening seem amazing and terrifying at the same time.


I think the environment is awesome! I think that (sub)urban sprawl is terrible! I think that there are many things our society does that could be done better and without hurting the earth and the people that live there. We could focus less on cars and more on bicycles and alternative forms of transportation, focus on using what we have instead of buying new things, and focus more on people instead of profit.

I think that these things are important and that we have to fight for these things if and when it comes to that. And so I have some amount of respect for people that go and lock themselves into trees and and other places to prevent nature being destroyed.

However I am frequently left very confused by some of the people who are incredibly moved by the beauty and importance of nature, are involved in movements like this, and express dislike of modern society and a desire to go back to something more "primitive".

(Now please note, this isn't all necessarily aimed at this zine and its creators specifically, some of these complaints are more general.)