
Вышла газета ярославских анархистов "TNT" No 16-17 (26-27), ч/б, формат А4, 12 стр.


- анархист Иванов "Увидеть гибель Империи"
- Герберт Маридзе "Кто виноват в кризисе"
- К 155-летию Бенджамена Таккера
- анархист Иванов "Краткая история анархического движения Ярославля"

Газета "К.У.Б." ("Катализатор умственного брожения") - издание либертарной инициативы студентов и работников науки из разных городов России. Распространияется бесплатно.

This month I watched underage drunk, Brace Belden, and his mutating face watching the Blank Dogs. I also got obsessed with the x_x 7”s, decided it was time to start a band, and had many conversations with different people about Women in Punk and Hardcore. In all caps. It’s a dissertation subject! Your PHD on gender studies and chix in the pit’ll write itself! Or maybe you can write about Riot Grrrl, no one has done that—hell that’s just what the cultural studies field needs. Another thesis about gender ‘n’ punk that focuses on the first, and only all girl youth subculture, aka riot grrrl! Why start a band, or make a zine, when you can write a paper about girls that did that stuff already in the olden days?

This month I watched underage drunk, Brace Belden, and his mutating face watching the Blank Dogs. I also got obsessed with the x_x 7”s, decided it was time to start a band, and had many conversations with different people about Women in Punk and Hardcore. In all caps. It’s a dissertation subject! Your PHD on gender studies and chix in the pit’ll write itself! Or maybe you can write about Riot Grrrl, no one has done that—hell that’s just what the cultural studies field needs. Another thesis about gender ‘n’ punk that focuses on the first, and only all girl youth subculture, aka riot grrrl! Why start a band, or make a zine, when you can write a paper about girls that did that stuff already in the olden days?

знакомая пишет диссертацию по отечественным фанзинам. если вы когда-либо читали или участвовали в создании зина – ответьте, пожалуйста, на эти вопросы и вышлите свой ответ по адресу map9@list.ru, либо оставьте коммент с ответами в этой теме, если же можете посоветовать других читателей либо редакторов зинов (хотя бы 10 редакторов найти, да 20 читателей. чем больше, тем лучше..)

под катом вопросы:

this is the next issue of MRR, I designed the cover.

It's not out yet...

this is the next issue of MRR, I designed the cover.

It's not out yet...

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