
Here Miguel Angel from Spain
Here are some links of Spanish fanzines that I have hosted on Megaupload, more copies of REPTIL ZINE, I think I sent you the first isse. [-> REPTIL #1 link]Issue 2 and 3 are 1991 Six was published in 1992. TAMBORES DE GUERRA (DRUMS OF WAR). This was released in late 1990...
Greetings from Miguel Angel in Spain

Slobodan's notes: As you can see by the second issue Reptil managed to get the cash to print cover in colour, that's pretty cool! Backcover's got a Bad Brain's live photo. Contentwise US bands like Millon Dead Cops and Citizen Arrest are interviewed and there is also a lot of Spanish (Barcelona) coverage. This is very last tail of the first or second wave of hardcore, crossover with metal and skateboards, horror movies and hi-top basketball shoes....


Here's Jaume from Zaragoza (spanish state). I send you the link from our last issue edited in december 2009 with a edition of 500 (printed).

Now we are working in the next issue (# 10), this will be out at summer and we have a lot of stuff to include it.

Mail contact: ciutatpodrida (at)

Download link
Viewer Issuu link

Take care and keep in contact!!!


CIUTAT PODRIDA radioshow & (printed) fanzine and blog

Todos los martes escúchanos en Radio Topo (101.8 FM, Zaragoza) de 19:00 a 21:00 h o los jueves de 20:00 a 22:00 h en Radio Bronka (104.5 FM, Barcelona).

¡¡Ya disponible el # 9 del fanzine!!

Here Miguel again writing form Spain. I’m sending link to two “new” fanzines, that I scanned a few days ago.
Its REPTIL #1 circa 1991 and UNDERGROUND SCENE #1 circa 1989-90. Please leve the links in your blog for people interested in them ( if you want, of course).
I would like asking if you know some webpage into trading old metal magazines in pdf, you know Kerrang, Aardshock, Metal Hammer, Circus… 70’s 80’s … you know that kind of stuff…
Well, thanks in advance. I leve the adrees of a website that I just starting .
See you

Cool looking Spanish magazine/fanzine with surprising broad coverage. Includes Poison Idea interview, Verbal Abuse poster, IDENTITY (Sweden) interview, Fugazi interview, stuff on Roger Miret, Gorilla Biscuits, reviews of a lot of varied international hardcore records and videos, and in the middle of all this a Janes addiction interview (!). Awesome! (Slobodan B)


Зин Коктейль №3 (Antipower komiks) - в оригинале это 3зина по 60 страниц из Испании, хуложника Дани(Барселона).

В разных частях света вольномыслящие художники рисуют прикольные и радикальные комиксы, которые до сих пор не изданы на русском языке. От сюда возникла идея коллекционировать комиксы и делать самодельный малотиражный журнальчик.

Aдрес редакции:

Hello, here Miguel.

I've send you some scans of a zine i made called NO FLAG a few month ago, now I wish to send you the MU adress with an old zine i've scanned. Ididn't write this zine, i've only scaned it. FANZINE AMONAL #1 circa 1989. The adress is here.

Hope you like it

Antipatia #8 talks with Afeite Al Perro. You can hear the radio version at this link.

Sorry to say that I made a mistake in the text of the previous post. We are doing fanzines since the beginning of the 90s. That means 20 years, not 10.
Thanks for your time.


Коктейль Комиксов -- это сборник испанских стрипов и картинок левого и анархического толка, переведенных на русский некими отечественными активистами. Картинки страшные и красивые, призывы и мысли -- традиционные и стандартные, что, на мой взгляд, несколько портит впечатление от зина. Да и перевод местами хромает. Поразглядывать приятно, но какой-либо оригинальности и полета фантазии вы тут не найдете. Будущего нет, мы все умрем, смерть ментам и корпорациям -- вот собственно составляющие коктейля комиксов. Взболтано и перемешано на совесть. Но при этом достаточно безвкусно и безболезненно, чтобы на утро не вызвать даже похмелья.

За зин спасибо Саше из Москвы.

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