
Attached are pdf scans of a punk zine which was printed in Cherry Hill New Jersey back in August of 1982. It features material on the Bad Brains, Saccharine Trust, Black Flag, plus an interview with Henry Rollins.


Here is another series of scans: The name of this zine is Heaven Down Here Issue #1 from June 1984 printed in New York, NY


THIS, and every other issue of'Incendiary' is the"we do what we fucking want to"issue
Another great title that isn't it; Incendiary?! A far sight more dynamic sounding than my drabbly titled fanzine, Creation - how very dull aside the Peroxides, Spitting Pretty Pikktures, Nihilistic Vices and what not. Anyway, I know of no copies of Creation that have survived - phew -thank Clapton for that - it was a terrible article. Unlike Incendiary #1 which is packed with great articles and interviews with The Folk Devils and Brigandage (4 pages apiece), New Model Army, Flowers in the Dustbin, and 3D Scream. Editor John Slam kicks-off with the Manifesto for Action: A Declaration of Intent and along the way vents some spleen on Democracy, abolishment of private education, and going through the motions. Elsewhere John offers a brief appraisal of Black Flag/anarchist publications and a short essay, Only Anarchists R Pretty + fanzine round-up and distro info. Neat Neat Neat!
A3 folded scanned at 600 dpiIncendiary #1

By dumbbunnynz@hotmail.com

When I was first sent issues of Kids in Sport Films I was incredibly wary, I mean, it's not exactly a genre that has produced a lot of masterpieces.

However the author of the zine was able to allay my fears, first by writing an apology for being late in the introduction, not because the zine was actually late, or that anyone even wanted or expected a second issue, but because it's traditional that second issues of zines include introductions that apologise for their lateness.

(It reminded me of a Copy Scams song.)

The rest of the zine is written in similar style, making snarky and sarcastic references while theoretically discussing the movie. I laughed out loud in a few places, and read found some sentences funny enough to read to my partner who was sitting next to me on the couch playing Chrono Cross.

The zine describes the ideal way to watch Kids in Sports Films. First you drink too much, then you come home and sleep until the following afternoon, then you go and collapse on the couch and watch terrible movies on TV. Perfect!

Just figured out how to see what comments I've received and it seems like a lot of my links are dead (and have been for a very long time). I've re-upped a couple, please lemme know if anything else needs uploading. I will be running a tighter ship from here on in.

Apologies for the incredibly long delay, kinda forgot about this blog business. I still have about 15 more 'zines to post so stay tuned. This one features an anti-powerpop editorial, the Adverts and an interview with the Visitors, who I believe where Tenpole Tudor's first band.

Download here.

By Sarah Cai

This is a short, cute zine that is based around a pretty good pun. Fanzines have been around since the 1940s, and the zine scene of today grew out of those early science fiction fanzines. Sometimes I read an actual scifi/fantasy fanzine, and it’s strange, though kinda neat, to see that the same type of things is still being made almost 75 years later.

This zine however is not about science fiction at all, instead it is filled with pictures of fans. There are a bunch of different fans (such as "ceiling" and "desk") included in this zine, and the drawings and text on each page combine to be pretty amusing.

I’m just sad that fan death wasn’t mentioned.

Last weekend at the Roberts Street Social Centre we had a launch for our brand new photocopier! There was cake and games and you can see some photos on our website or facebook group.

I was in charge of music and managed to create almost eighty minutes of photocopier or zine related music. Awesome!

One of the bands I included are The Copy Scams. They're a pretty rad band that is mostly made up of zinesters. You can find out some more info on Alex Wrekk's blog. There's info on how to download their EP, and an announcement that they'll be touring the UK in November! Exciting!

I've made a youtube playlist of most of the tracks from below, though The Copy Scams songs and a couple of others aren't up there. The playlist is located here. Let me know what you think!

Lip Cream, The Clay, Laughing Nose, uk scene report by Dig, german and swiss reports plus zouo, ghoul, no lip, outo . edited by roger armstrong who's name i remember from mrr scene reports 'back in the day' before you were fucking born

U.N.K.O 2

Meanwhile in another area of newcastle 1983 , the debut of mr richard edible . Alternative, subhumans, Omega Tribe and a load of rants and poems that make this a great read

Under the Net 1