
Forward Issue 10 (1982) with the Gun Club


Forward Issue 13 (1982) - With BLACK FLAG!!!

d o w n l o a d

Forward - Philadelphia PA 'zine - I think this zine came out in 1984.


part one
part two

Published by Ferret Press
600 Markview Road
Columbus, Ohio
43214, USA

I reviewed one of these anthology comics last year, and while I found the stories of varying quality, there were a couple that I enjoyed.

While that issue was about superstition and bad luck, this one is about a substantially different subject: romance and relationships. This is an area that I am less interested in. Or rather, the ways in which it is presented here didn't appeal to me.

Several of the pieces were about marriage and children, concepts I generally find boring and dull, while another shows a relationship that seems to be based mostly on material wealth (it's supposed to be comedic, but instead succeeds in making me sad). I also took issue with one of the comics that said that the alternatives to "monogamy over a 70-year lifespan" are "really awful". This person might want to look into monogamish relationships.

It's time once again for me to "review" one of these jam comics and tell you about this month's Halifax Comics Jam!

This month's is tonight (Tuesday, April 3rd), from 7-10pm, at the Roberts Street Social Centre, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. You should come! No artistic talent is required, and there are usually cookies or some other snack. Here's the facebook event.

For those that don't know, Jam comics are comics where one person starts a page by drawing a panel, and then another person draws the next panel, and so on until the page is finished. They usually don't make a lot of sense, but they can be pretty funny at times. This one actually has a remarkably coherent, and amusing story about the adventures of a soul. Hurray!

Here's a video you can watch that possibly explains it better.

PO Box 20204
Seattle, WA

[The images at the bottom of this review is NSFW, just letting you know.]

I've reviewed a couple of issues of this series before, and I really didn't like them. So when faced with the idea of reading more issues I hummed and I hawed about reading them as they sat in my review pile.

Eventually I decided I'm not going to review them, or even read them. I'm sure they're much the same as earlier issues.

Come on don't be so apathetic write to me if only to say what a load of dross BARRICADE is...

Barricade #2 eases-up a little on its Northern Ireland fixation and tips its hat to the Republic's rising stars, U2 - oh, and there's a 1 page plug for Virgin Prunes. Of course NI is revisited with a Rudi feature and an Introduction to the band from Good Vibrations record shop/label founder, Terri Hooley. Elsewhere we have interviews with 3 Minutes and 96 Tears + live reviews of The Well Endowed/96 Tears, The Piranhas, U2, Bad Manners and Ultravox.   A4 folded scanned at 600 dpiBarricade #2

BARRICADE. Why did you leave Belfast?HENRY. I didn't I still live there.
It's a buoyant one is Barricade - its unabashed enthusiasm for 'everything musical from Ulster' is to be applauded. Based in Saltash/Cornwall Dave, Mark and Sarah produced, I think 4 issues of Barricade between 1980-1982. Features, live reviews and interviews with SLF (Henry Cluney), Rudi, The Outcasts, The Undertones, and The Idiots. If you've not seen it yet, watch John T. Davis' excellent 1979 film Shell Shock Rock - this fantastic document of Northern Ireland's vibrant punk scene is a fair indicator of why Barricade came into being.
A4 Folded scanned at 600 dpiBarricade #1