White Stuff #6, 1977

MESSAGE TO JAMES: sorry, but the pistols just made quarter of a million...they don't need any free promo from me any more... 
Sandy Robertson's White Stuff, as namechecked in the last Sniffin' Glue post, features contributions from Alex Fergusson (no introductions should be needed for this chap), Glenn Marks, Tony D., and Skid Kid (Ripped & Torn co-conspirator). White Stuff is clearly something of PattiSmithzine: this issue has Patti art, Hotel art and a Devotion to Arthur Rimbaud. Elsewhere, there's The Colossus of Henry Miller by Frank Letchford, which includes the questionable assertion, "women lack the vitality and curiosity for bold experience". I'm not overly familiar with Miller's oeuvre so maybe Letchford is just citing the writer - whatever, I couldn't let that slip through unchecked. Glenn Marks', No More Heroes, looks at 'half ready' product and assesses the criteria for hero status. You can find more commentary on Sandy here, here and here from Alex F. on his and Sandy's close association. .A4 single sided scanned at 600 dpiWhite Stuff #6