The Other Side #1, 1981

Kill Nostalgia. Admire the view now we have reached the top of the Pistols’ thorny stockade, there is an exhilarating slide down to THE OTHER SIDEa new age!
Well I for one would be well & truly knackered without nostalgia – and ditto many of the fine blogs in my roll I reckon. Still, within its ’81 context it’s easy to empathize with the sentiment. Besides, boasting such excellent ‘issue’-driven interviews with the likes of Killing Joke (Anti Christ Crusade), The Au Pairs (Feminist Reality & Rolf Harris), Linton Kwesi Johnson (Equality, Justice Peace), The Specials (The Greatest Show on Earth), and John Peel (Distress Signals From Peel Acres); The Other Side not only talked the talk, it walked the walk also. And rather neatly it must be said - TOS is a somewhat slick production out of Luton headed-up by Neil Rowland & Paul Wellings and features written contributions from Michael Morgan, Jessica Adams, Desmond Hunt and Stephen Saltzberg, accompanied throughout by Hope Row's and Lesley Smith's smashing photography. The nearest we get to a review of any description is the snazzy 1 page plug for Afraid Of Mice and the couple of live The Teardrop Explodes photos from Dunstable. Elsewhere there’s Ronnie Scott’s Twilight Paradise; Strength Through Joi sticks the boot into Oi; and Rock on the Rocks celebrates “new pop ethics”. A great fanzine. 
A3 folded scanned at 600 dpi
The Other Side #1