Do Not Adjust Your Set I wanted to post this back in July following the sad news of Alastair Donaldson's passing but I couldn't locate the TBGOs in the archive - anyway, I found the blighters - 2 editions TBGO and the dinky Daily Raj - issue 2 and DR will follow in a wee while. TBGO hailed from Edinburgh and appears to be a sole effort by Bob Jefferson (of earlier Rezillozine, 2000AD fame) though shouts did go out to Mark Wollrich and Nick Kershaw. TBGO marked the period following the demise of The Rezillos and the emergence of The Revillos. Issue #1 of this neat little gem features Do Not Adjust Your Set (stills from the band's The Old Grey Whistle Test appearance), an interview with Faye and Eugene, a letter from Faye, The Life &Times of William Mysterious, Rezillos' Bits & Pieces, Shake Rattle and Roll being a squint at Jo Callis' 'new' project, TBGO's playlist in Our Fave Discs and a review of Mission Accomplished…..It Gets Me!A4 folded scanned at 400 dpiThe Beat Goes On #1
The Beat Goes On #1, 1979
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