THIS FANZINE BELONGS TO'-------------------------------ANOTHER POSSESSION FOR MY COLLECTION'Solid stuff here from Lee (Stockton-on-Tees) - I think there were just 2 editions produced, both in 1982 [corrections always welcome]. Anathema was Lee's second effort, having earlier delivered Kiss the Earth, and latterly, Spitting Pretty Pikktures. Anathema is a series of astute rants, essays and poetry grappling with politics, feminism, consumerism, socialisation, torture, animal liberation, consumerism, religion, machismo, mental health, and the occult. Great contributions from Amanda M, Andy T, and Vanessa L. #1 includes an excellent 8 page interview with Crass and part 2 of a Poison Girls interview. Unfortunately this copy is missing pages 32-40 - if anybody can provide those it'd be greatly appreciated.'A4 scanned at 400 dpiAnathema #1
Anathema #1, 1982
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