
By Nick Calavera

Delirium apparently started as an idea called Kingdom of Monsters, but I think that the current title better represents what's inside the comic as I frequently had no idea what was going on. Well, that's a bit unfair, I generally understood what was happening in each chapter/story in this comic, but I really don't understand how they fit together or why they're happening.

Delirium starts with a naked girl (of course!) going to sleep and dreaming of a bizarre cityscape filled with monsters. She wakes up and suddenly monsters are in her room. Some are after her, while one seems to be trying to protect her (or at least is better at hiding their motivations regarding her). It might be a touch confusing, but more in the questions it raises about the world they're in than anything else. I'm curious and want to learn more.

You know, I was so busy not updating this blog at all (and then writing reviews for it), that I completely forgot to post about the new anthology zine that I'm editing!

Two Fisted Librarians is a collection of fiction, comics, and art created by librarians concerning libraries and librarians. The deadline is April 30th.

We’re looking for stories that fondly recall the pulp magazines of the ’20s, ’30s, and ’40s, and comics of the ’40s and ’50s. Mad science, weird fantasy, occult horror, spicy mysteries, noirish romances, thrilling adventures, and whatever else.

Want to write about a library that uses steampunk technology, a cataloguing system so obtuse that it drives those that try to use it insane, or a librarian who has to track down a Nazi zeppelin in order to get an overdue book? Go for it! Send an email or check out the blog for more info.

 By Bill Volk, Casey Bohn, Mary Soper, and Bryan Stone

Good job Matthew, failing to scan the cover entirely...

Anyway! This is an anthology of sci-fi, fantasy, and super hero comics, and all of them are pretty good! Kind of surprising given I generally don't care for about half of any anthology I read.

By Pearl
PO Box 74
Brighton, UK

Yes! Take that January! I've already written more reviews than I did in all of you and March combined! Though that is saying waaaaay more about the lack of writing I've done for this site this year rather than anything else...

I met Pearl three years ago at a zine fest in England, and since then she has made a lot of zines. I'm horribly behind at reviewing these, so she's probably up to the mid 40s by now because she makes one every month. My gosh, I wish I had that amount of commitment to making zines.

Each of Pearl's zines is a single intricately folded piece of paper that is filled with a multitude of lists. I always smile when I read Peach Melba because some of the lists are so completely ridiculous,. But I love reading about what Pearl thinks are "unreasonable commands to expect a dog to follow" ("solve food crises"), jobs she would hate to have ("olympic fencer", "bee eater", "police officer"), or "Useful life advice" ("eat soup"). Issue 35 even has a list of rejected lists!


By Piotr Nowacki

Shit, this has an ISBN? Should I even be reviewing this? Well whatever, let's get to it.

OM is a comic from Poland, but it's told entirely without dialogue, so not understanding Polish isn't actually a problem. (Well, the back page is in Polish, but it's unrelated to the story inside.)

Nowacki has created a story about a weird dinosaur/lizard type creature and his best bud who is a giant egg. The dinosaur guy eats pretty much everything except the egg, which is pretty amazing. Alarm clock? Eaten. Toothbrush? Eaten. Chess set? Eaten. A pirate's hand? Eaten! In fact, the "eat everything" aspect of the story continues throughout the story with the main character actually getting eaten in the second half of the comic.

One day the lizard guy wakes up and his egg buddy is missing! He quickly puts on his detective outfit and sets out on a mission to find the egg. His quest takes him through many lands (and under the sea!), and he encounters many other creatures like ninja and fishmen. The story isn't anything super original, but the way it's told is pretty cute and there's some nice humour. The ending is kind of sad and bittersweet, and I wish that it wasn't.

Edited by Shannon Connor

So you know what I'm really bad at? Updating this blog when I'm in school. Have I seriously only written five reviews so far this year? That's crazy, and I am letting down all of the people who keep sending me zines to review (there are so many...). But now class is over for a bit, and let's fucking hope I can update this site more frequently.

You know what else I'm not very good at? Going to see live music. This zine is all about DIY shows that people (mostly in the punk community) put on in their houses, and I realize I can't remember the last time I went to a house show. For whatever reason I'm not as into music as some of my friends. Sure I like it, but I'm fine listening to it at home a lot of the time. Maybe that's because I like music made on computers a lot. (I told a friend recently that if someone described an album or song as sounding like a computer slowly dying I'd really want to listen to it, so clearly my taste in music is pretty questionable.)

 Wading through the fanzine pile for this latest post I struck the Panache seam and was frankly amazed that none have appeared here as yet. It's amazing because Panache was a top flight publication and a personal favourite. Anyway I've hastened ahead to #13 primarily to make the astonishing The Cravats interview more readily available. Panache was of course headed-up by Mick Mercer with input from Surly Yout, Jorn and Eric. Interviews: Another Pretty Face, Animals & Men, Ski Patrol, The Cravats (9 pages of small type! + The Shend’s poem, Varicose Veins), The Chaps, and Siouxsie & Steve Severin (intemperate at times on account of MM’s earlier snubbing of an interview offer). There's a review of Derek Jarman’s, The Tempest, Stamp Out Snogging is a call to ban kissing at gigs.


Here's a link to my old punkzine.

It's #3 from 1987 (#1 was fucking shitty and #2 will arrive gods know when).

A link on your blog will be highly aprreciated...


 Tom Craig's and Geoff Rushton's prettily dark Stabmental is a killer fanzine. Oodles of enthusiam from Oundle sees interviews with Chain of Dots (members incl' Garry Bailey, Sharron Borelam, Nag, Bendle, Igor, Mick Clark [One Gang Logic]), Rema-Rema, Clock DVA (feat' Adi Newton of Gun Rubber fame), The Lemon Kittens, and I'm So Hollow; reviews of The Raincoats, Yet Another Temple (tape), and P.I.L.. Ratcheting-up the Sheffield quotient with The Neutron Manifesto. 3 pages are given over to The Tape List - exhaustive I doubt but it is at the very least a fair stab(mental): The Accelerators, A Classic Slice of Teenage Angst, Coventry ZZZ, Daark Inc.

We've common goals.We deliver the goods.We are the kind of menWho can do the job;Same fear, same blood;Same tears, same mud;Same heights, same hopes;Same laughs, same jokes. As flagged in the VOB#1 posting this here second, "Happy Issue" of VOB features interviews with Mayo Thompson, John Peel, Adam & The Ants, and The Jam (+ preview of Going Underground lyrics). Elsewhere there's Poet for the 80s?; a piece on Dave Waller along with a review of DW's and Mr. Weller's Riot Stories, Notes From Hostile Street (incl John Cooper Clarke, Linton Kwesi Johnson, and Patrik Fitzgerald). Practise Makes Perfect offers a brief unravelling of Wire. A solitary review of The Bodysnatchers at the (London) Lyceum. Michael and James dish up some snippets of news - notably the Nips split! Not forgetting the smattering of VOBgraphics throughout.
A4 folded scanned at 600 dpi
Voice of Buddha #2